I had the absolute honor of taking Albany brand photo for Lexi Hannah, an artist, muralist, instructor, and live event painter in Albany, New York. We both met each other while photographing an Adirondack wedding together. I was in awe of her work and how she presented herself and both personal and professional. When we decided to take brand photos to support her current work, I was over-the-moon excited!
We did a pre-session call about her career goals, what she was doing well and what she was looking for in the year to come. At this point in Lexi’s career, she is ready to charge more so she can have financial freedom and space to pursue more passion projects. She absolutely LOVES being an artist and that was so evident while we were on the call!
Since Lexi hadn’t gotten any professional Albany brand photos taken in the past, we started from scratch. We made a plan to visually show to her clients the value of what they’re purchasing. We also captured a few headshots and highlight the studio space that she’s so thoughtfully designed at Albany Barn!
Through this Albany brand photo session, I learned so much. I learned that I know NOTHING about being an artist (which I kind of already knew!). I got a peek behind the art community curtain. I saw what it looked like to be fully passionate about something and work really hard to become successful. It was such an amazing experience to be part of and I can’t wait to see how Lexi continues to be successful in her business and put these photos to good use!
After receiving the gallery, Lexi sent me the sweetest text:
“Oh my gosh, Becca you sweet angel of photography I can’t thank you enough for this. I am so blown away by everything you did! You truly made me feel seen and appreciated and presented as the kind of professional I want to be and I can’t thank you enough. JUST WOW!!! I will happily vouch for you forever and ever”
This is why I absolutely love being an albany brand photographer. To check out more blog posts, check out this Capital Region Brand Session.
©2025 rebecca loomis photography LLC | brand + WEBSITE DESIGN BY palme design co.